Astrology Reports - $35


Need career direction? Ever wondered what you'd be really good at? This career report highlights your strengths and provides insight into your vocational calling!
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Child Zodiac

The perfect gift for the parents of new borns or anyone wanting more insight into their child's personality. Beautifully illustrated and packed full of information to help understand your child's nature with great parenting ideas to bring out their potential!
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Health & Wellbeing
The Health & Wellbeing Report gives you tips about:-
healing treatments
...to give you more energy. Identify and transform energy imbalances and emotional patterns. Written in easy-to-understand language to get you started on a healthy eating and fitness regime!
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Love Compatibility

How Compatible are you and your partner...?
Compare the horoscopes of yourself and your partner... whether you've just met, been together for a while or been married for years... this Report' provides valuable information about your relationship!
Discover why you are attracted to one another... uncover areas where harmony is created and the where tension arises.
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